Due diligence: joining an existing MAT

Make sure you understand the benefits and risks of joining a multi-academy trust (MAT). Download our list of questions to help you decide if it's the best fit for your school.

Last reviewed on 21 August 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 31299
  1. Find out if joining a MAT is right for your school
  2. Download our list of questions
  3. How to carry out due diligence

Find out if joining a MAT is right for your school

Due diligence is the process of getting all the information you need to make an informed decision about joining a MAT.

It helps you identify both the benefits and risks before going ahead.

This is explained in the DfE's best practice guidance on due diligence.

Download our list of questions

Download our list of questions and adapt it to your school's needs and context.

KeyDoc: due diligence questions for academy conversion DOC, 209.5 KB

How to carry out due diligence

Adapt the questions to suit your school

Before compiling your list of questions and talking to a MAT, consult with your governing board and other senior leaders. Discuss any concerns they have and add their questions to your list. Your due diligence questions should reflect the needs, circumstances and priorities of your school.

This should help you understand the process and what steps