Marketing to parents and carers: make your school stand out

Let prospective parents and carers know about your school's unique selling points. Adapt our template marketing plan to make sure you're getting the most out of your social media, newsletters and website.

Last reviewed on 28 March 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 181
  1. Identify your unique selling points
  2. Collect feedback from parents/carers 
  3. Come up with your key messages and choose your channels
  4. Use our template to write your plan

Identify your unique selling points

This is so you can find out what's going to make your school stand out from the rest.

If you're a trust leader, you'll need to carry out this exercise for each of your schools. 

Look at what's unique about your school 

  • Do you have a subject specialism or good school facilities? (e.g. sports equipment) 
  • What are you doing that other schools in your area aren't? (e.g. wraparound care) 
  • What's special about your curriculum?
  • What extra-curricular activities does your school offer? 

Think about what you've done to address challenges 

  • Look at your self-evaluation form (SEF)
  • How have you addressed issues brought up by Ofsted? 
  • Where is your school going in the future? (Look at your school improvement plan) 

Consider your vision, values and ethos

  • Are you happy with them?
  • Do they accurately reflect your school? 
  • Articulate these so they are clear throughout the school

Once you've identified some key selling points, you need