Returns required from academies

Find out what data and returns you must submit and when – including your audited accounts, budget forecast return, school resource management self-assessment and teachers' pension returns.

Last reviewed on 8 January 2025See updates
School types: AcademySchool phases: AllRef: 6076
  1. Financial returns
  2. HR returns
  3. File a confirmation statement with Companies House
  4. Register of people with significant control

Note: the government has announced plans to close the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) by March 2025. Instead, its functions will be administered directly by the DfE. We don't expect funding or returns arrangements to change, but we’ll update this article if new guidance is published.

Financial returns

You're required by your academy's funding agreement to submit financial returns to the ESFA. 

Required return Details of return, including dates Financial statements  You must: Submit audited accounts to the ESFA by the 31 December Publish the audited accounts on the trust website by 31 January File them with Companies House within 9 months of the end of the accounting period – for most trusts, this will be by 31 May Use the ESFA's Academies Accounts Direction document each year to help you,