How to work with your chair of governors

Read about how you can effectively work with your chair of governors, and understand what the role of the chair involves and how it differs to your own.

Last reviewed on 19 January 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 2690
  1. Understand the chair's role
  2. Hold regular meetings
  3. Maintain a balanced relationship
  4. Ask for help
  5. How to support your chair

Understand the chair's role

To work effectively with your chair of governors, it’s important you understand their role and responsibilities. This will help you divide up work, and spot if a chair isn’t doing their job properly.

Strategic vs operational roles

  • Headteachers should be operational, and focus on the day-to-day management of the school. You should implement the vision and strategy, and report to governors on progress
  • The chair should be strategic, and focus on the long-term vision for the school. They should hold the headteacher to account for how the vision and strategy is implemented

This means you are responsible for your school's educational performance, internal organisation, control and management. This is set out in section 6.1 of the DfE's school governance regulations.

See our other article on the division of responsibilities between a