Safeguarding report to governors: template

Download our template safeguarding report for the governing board, and get up to speed on what you need to include and rules around confidentiality.

Last reviewed on 25 April 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 43978
  1. Download our template report
  2. Don't include confidential information 
  3. Prepare for governor questions

Download our template report

Use this template to write your annual safeguarding report to the whole governing board. Adapt it to your school’s particular safeguarding needs.

KeyDoc: Safeguarding report to governors DOC, 233.5 KB

Governors should be able to get a clear picture of your school's safeguarding context and priorities from the report.

It's also good practice to write termly safeguarding reports to the relevant committees and the safeguarding link governor. These don’t need to cover every safeguarding issue, but can go into more detail on specific areas of concern or improvement.

Birmingham City Council's template safeguarding report contains space for the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) to record the school's safeguarding strengths and areas for improvement, and space for the link governor's comments Norfolk County Council's template safeguarding report (find it under 'Monitoring and