Emergency school closures: guidance

Understand when you can close your school in an emergency. Find out how and when to contact your local authority and parents, and how to request an Ofsted inspection deferral due to emergency closure.

on 28 January 2025
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School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 32997
  1. When can I close the school?
  2. Use remote learning
  3. Talk to your LA and parents/carers
  4. Ofsted deferrals for school closures

When can I close the school?

Make decisions on a case-by-case basis

All emergencies are different – and it’s impossible to cover all possibilities – so it’s up to the headteacher or principal to decide if your school needs to close or not. 

If you do decide to close, you should:

  • Minimise the length of closure
  • Get legal advice, if needed

You must:

  • Comply with statutory safeguarding guidance that applies to you and your setting
  • Comply with all your legal responsibilities, including health and safety laws

This is explained in the DfE's guidance on emergency planning and response.

Severe weather conditions

Flooding or snow may mean you need to close your school temporarily because of inaccessibility or risk of injury.

You should have an emergency plan in place. Read our article on emergency