Who is the condition improvement fund (CIF) for?
You must have been 1 of the following at the start of September 2023:
- Single academy trust ("stand-alone" academy)
- Academy in a multi-academy trust (MAT) with:
- Fewer than 5 academies, or
- 5 or more academies but fewer than 3,000 pupils
- Voluntary-aided (VA) school in a VA body or group with:
- Fewer than 5 schools, or
- 5 or more schools but fewer than 3,000 pupils
- Sixth-form college
- School with a signed academy order as of 1 September 2023, that is expected to convert to a CIF-eligible trust by 1 April 2024
Pupil and academy numbers are as counted in the spring 2023 census or 2022/23 individualised learner record.
Note: pupil numbers for special and alternative provision schools (including pupil referral units) are multiplied by 4.5.
Too big for the CIF? You'll receive school condition allocations instead.
What is it for?
Condition projects – to improve the