Website requirements: academies and academy trusts

Find out what individual academies need to publish online, and if you’re a multi-academy trust, what your trust website needs to include. Use our checklists to help you comply.

Last reviewed on 15 June 2023See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 43882
  1. You should have your own trust website
  2. Trust website: checklist for what you must publish
  3. Check your trust website requirements here
  4. School websites: publishing requirements
  5. What else should your trust publish online?
  6. UK GDPR and equality requirements for your website

You should have your own trust website

Although it's not technically a statutory requirement, we recommend your trust has its own website, in addition to individual websites for each of your schools. This is because there's information you must publish at trust level about your trust as a whole.

Trust website: checklist for what you must publish

Download our checklist to make sure you're meeting all the statutory requirements for what you need to publish as a trust: 

KeyDoc: trust website checklist DOC, 225.0 KB

Please note: we've based this checklist on a variety of sources and legislation, and covered all the information you're required to publish to the best of our knowledge. However, as there's no centralised list of publishing requirements for trust websites, this list may not be exhaustive. 

Check your trust website requirements here

You can download these requirements in our checklist above.

What you need to publish Where each requirement comes