Structuring the school year

Understand the rules around structuring your school year and what you need to consider, so your school year is compliant and runs smoothly.

Last reviewed on 10 January 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 45550
  1. You're free to decide 
  2. Take staff contracts into account 
  3. Procedure for changing
  4. Consult with parents
  5. Changes you can make

You're free to decide 

As an academy, it's up to your trust to determine the length of the school year.

This is set out in the DfE's model funding agreement (see page 14). However, check your own funding agreement in case it's different. 

Take staff contracts into account 

Before making changes to the school year, particularly plans to make it longer, consider staff contracts and the effect this might have on their pay.

Teachers employed under the STPCD

If any of your teachers are employed under the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD), then they must be available:

This is set out in paragraph 51.2 of the STPCD. Find out more about whether the STPCD might apply to staff in your school, for example if their contracts transferred when your school converted