Key Stage 1 and 2 assessments

Find answers to FAQs on how to comply with statutory requirements for Key Stage (KS) 1 and 2 assessments. Use our checklist of key dates and deadlines, and know what to report to your local authority and parents/carers.

Last reviewed on 11 October 2024See updates
Ref: 45608
  1. Statutory requirements: phonics screening check
  2. As a headteacher, what are my responsibilities?
  3. Administering the phonics screening check
  4. Key Stage (KS) 1 National Curriculum tests 
  5. Reporting to parents/carers

Statutory requirements: phonics screening check

Who do the requirements apply to?

  • Maintained schools
  • Academies (including free schools)
  • Special schools (including maintained special schools and special academies)
  • Alternative provision (AP) settings (including pupil referral units (PRUs))
  • Independent schools that have chosen to participate in the Key Stage (KS) 1 assessments

Friday 15 November 2024 Deadline to: Decline phonics screening check materials on the Primary Assessment Gateway (PAG), if your school has no pupils working at the standard of the check Submit school holiday dates on the PAG  Friday 10 January 2025 Deadline for academies to: Have a written agreement for monitoring the phonics screening check in place with a chosen local authority (LA) Notify the Standards and Testing Agency (STA), if not using their geographical LA for monitoring the phonics screening check March Phonics screening test administration guidance published 19 to 23 May Schools receive phonics screening check materials 9 to 13 June Phonics screening checks carried out Monday 23 June Threshold mark published on GOV.UK Monday 30