EYFS: progress and assessment

Learn about the statutory assessment requirements under the EYFS framework, and how to assess effectively and fairly. Understand how to monitor progress in the early years with minimal paperwork using these strategies and our downloadable templates, and get clued up on what Ofsted is looking for.

Last reviewed on 31 May 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 46539
  1. There are no specific expectations of progress throughout the EYFS
  2. Ofsted takes account of individual starting points when judging progress
  3. Use these strategies to effectively monitor progress
  4. Download our templates for tracking pupil progress

There are no specific expectations of progress throughout the EYFS

The DfE wants schools and other EYFS settings to make appropriate and high levels of progress across all 17 early learning goals (ELGs).

'Good level of development' isn't a progress measure The DfE uses the ‘good level of development’ (GLD) measure to show what proportion of children nationally are achieving 'expected levels' (see page 5 of the EYFS profile handbook).  You’re expected to help children achieve as highly as possible in the EYFS. Appropriate levels of progress will depend on each child's starting point, so it would be possible for a child’s progress not to be satisfactory even though they had exceeded the 'expected' level in most areas of learning.  This is because, as you'll know, high attainment doesn’t necessarily mean that a child has made outstanding