Guided reading: planning template and guidance

Download and customise our planning template to help you organise your guided reading provision effectively. Learn how to structure groups and assess pupils, and see examples of activities to improve comprehension.

Last reviewed on 28 October 2021
School types: AllSchool phases: PrimaryRef: 4507
  1. Customise and use our template to plan your sessions
  2. Structure groups to support learning for all pupils 
  3. Choose strategies and activities that'll enhance comprehension
  4. How to assess pupils 

Customise and use our template to plan your sessions

KeyDoc - guided reading lesson plan template DOCX, 128.7 KB

Adapt it to reflect your guided reading practice. For example, you may want to include additional information on pupils' assessment data in reading or details of the role of teaching assistants during the lesson. 

We worked with Nina Siddall-Ward, one of our associate experts, to create this.

Structure groups to support learning for all pupils 

This might involve pupils undertaking different tasks, such as:

  • Reading with the teacher
  • Reading with a teaching assistant
  • Reading independently
  • Paired reading
  • A follow-up activity

Using electronic resources may also help support and develop learners' skills. For example, a teacher might consider modelling how to use an e-reader in a lesson.

Our associate education expert Jonathan Gower explained this to us. 

Choose strategies and activities that'll enhance comprehension

Get your teachers to use techniques such as:

See examples of