Spelling: approaches and schemes (primary)

See how schools motivate pupils and engage parents in spelling, including how 1 school creates a buzz with a termly spelling bee. Plus, find examples of spelling schemes for the National Curriculum.

Last reviewed on 21 March 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: PrimaryRef: 11634
  1. Using innovative spelling systems to motivate pupils
  2. Running a termly “spelling bee”
  3. Engaging parents in supporting spelling
  4. Commercial spelling schemes

Please note that the inclusion of commercial products in this article doesn't constitute an endorsement from The Key. 

Using innovative spelling systems to motivate pupils

“Spelling passports” to unlock progress to the next level 

Ivy Lane Primary School in Wiltshire uses a “spelling passport” system inspired by the solar system. 

Pupils complete 1 passport to move onto the next, starting with easier words (Mercury) through to harder words as they get a planet on their passport that is further from the sun. There's also a Milky Way option for pupils that pass beyond the Pluto passport.  

“Spelling menus” to offer a range of ways to practise spelling 

Warden House Primary School in Kent has 2 “spelling menus” at the bottom of this page on its website. 

They offer pupils interesting ways of practising spelling, such as: 

Running a termly