How to collaborate when curriculum delivery isn't aligned across your trust

The Shared Learning Trust has set up many networks and roles to encourage staff in its 3 primary schools to collaborate and share best practice across their autonomous curriculum models. Learn how you can make use of this approach in your trust.

Last reviewed on 14 March 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 44096
  1. What's the approach?
  2. Why this approach?
  3. How collaboration works across autonomous curriculum models
  4. How to apply this approach in your trust

We spoke to Rebekah Howe, director of primary education at the Shared Learning Trust, about the curriculum in their 3 primary schools. 

What's the approach?

All schools share: 

  • A broad curriculum:
    • This includes curriculum coverage - the trust wants each school to have specialist teaching in the arts and PE, and doesn't want a limited curriculum that 'just suits the SATs'
    • There's flexibility in curriculum delivery (see below)
  • Approach to marking, which involves:
    • Stickers to set out the learning objective in a child's book, then colour coded markers for whether they've met it 
    • Colour-coded stickers for if the child did this independently, guided or 1-2-1, to monitor their resilience
    • Conferencing, where the teacher talks to the child about their work and their next steps

One school runs a 'concentric' curriculum model that focuses on different subjects at different points of the year rather than covering them every week (with the exception of English and maths). Pupils study