Evaluating intervention strategies: advice and tracking tools

Learn how to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your interventions, including what evidence to look for and how to present this to governors. Plus, find a tracking tool, a template for SEND case studies, a template report to governors, and a pupil voice survey in our toolkit.

Last reviewed on 31 January 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 11294
  1. Be clear on the desired outcome of each intervention
  2. 1. Track the impact of your interventions
  3. 2. Gather a range of evidence
  4. 3. Show impact through case studies
  5. 4. Present outcomes to governors

You'll want to evaluate any interventions based on the impact they have on the pupils' learning, alongside the cost and relative value for money. Your governors will also want to consider this.

Be clear on the desired outcome of each intervention

Before you begin to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention, remind yourself what you wanted to achieve with it. For example, it might have been to:

  • Accelerate progress or close gaps in a particular subject
  • Prepare pupils for life after school
  • Support the pupil in achieving their objective from a special educational needs (SEN) or education, health and care (EHC) plan
  • Help improve:
    • Behaviour
    • Mental health and wellbeing
    • Physical development, such as fine or gross motor skills

Remind yourself of what makes a good intervention with our top tips for running an intervention, so you can be sure you’re evaluating an intervention that has a good chance of success.

Use our evaluation and