Running interventions: guidance and templates

Use our practical tips to deliver high-quality interventions. Share our template letter so parents are aware of the interventions in place for their child, and use our recording and monitoring forms to make sure teachers are kept informed of the progress their pupils are making.

Last reviewed on 8 March 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 45840
  1. Make evidence-based decisions about interventions
  2. Make sure your staff work closely together 
  3. Report on progress after each session 
  4. Careful timetabling is essential
  5. Pick a suitable location
  6. Engage pupils with the intervention
  7. Communicate clearly with parents
  8. Be ready to explain your reasoning to Ofsted

Make evidence-based decisions about interventions

To meet the conditions for pupil premium grants, you'll need to show that any decisions you make about running interventions are informed by research evidence. This is set out in section 4 of the pupil premium 2023 to 2024: conditions of grant for local authorities.  

Use assessment data to:

  • Identify which pupils are in need of intervention
  • Identify which topics require additional support
  • Track the progress the pupils in the intervention are making

The best interventions provide the right support to the right child. So use assessment regularly to make sure the right children are taking part in interventions, and that the interventions are focusing on the right skills.

Learn more about tracking pupil progress in our other article.

The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has produced an evidence-based teaching and learning toolkit for schools. It tells you about the impact of interventions in terms of their average