English: tips to raise attainment

Boost pupils' confidence in key skills in English, including writing and handwriting. Get expert advice on how to support vocabulary development for pupils with SEN and EAL.

Last reviewed on 6 October 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 45457
  1. Make writing tasks feel purposeful and ‘real’
  2. Encourage pupils to write about what they know
  3. Help pupils turn their ideas into writing
  4. Use technology and resources to enhance learning
  5. Build pupils’ confidence

Make writing tasks feel purposeful and ‘real’

This is an important strategy to improve writing for all pupils – especially pupils with special educational needs (SEN), and more especially those with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs).

Immerse pupils in the topic environment 

Do this in the classroom by: 

  • Providing visual aids, such as pictures or objects, and projecting scenes onto walls to act as prompts and create an atmosphere
  • Decorating in the style of the topic that pupils will be writing about. For example, teachers could turn the classroom into a 'bomb shelter' when writing about the second world war to encourage pupils to discuss their impressions of their surroundings, and generate ideas about what it would have been like in 'real life'. Remember: be careful not to make this overwhelming for any of your pupils who struggle with sensory overload

To observe plants and wildlife as part of a