Centralising a service, step 2: evaluate the current performance of the service

You need to understand how well the service you're thinking about centralising currently works. Find out how to use our operating model assessment and questionnaire to build a picture so that you can decide your next steps.

Last reviewed on 23 December 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 44036
  1. Review how well things work currently
  2. Download our operating model assessment 
  3. Use our questionnaire
  4. Gather the views of pupils and parents/carers, if relevant
  5. Consider all this information together
  6. Next steps

Review how well things work currently

To help you decide whether or not you should centralise the service you chose in step 1, you need to look at:

  • The current cost, in terms of full-time staff across the trust as well as related goods and service costs
  • How well people in your trust think the service currently works
  • Whether the service needs to be specialised for each school, or can be standard across all schools
  • Whether the delivery of the service directly impacts educational outcomes

Use our detailed operating model assessment and questionnaire to help you understand these factors.

Remember, these are just tools to prompt you to reflect on how the organisation of the service helps it to perform. They're designed to encourage you to self-evaluate and have discussions within your trust, and won't always generate clear-cut answers. 

Take a look at our flowchart for an overview of all the steps. 

First, carry out a thorough