In the news: Your weekly round-up for 20 to 27 August 2021

Get up to speed with what’s happened in education this week.

Last reviewed on 26 August 2021
Ref: 43213
  1. Top stories
  2. This week's headlines
  3. Important dates for next week 

Top stories

DfE reintroduces remote learning legal duty for 2021/22. Schools will once again be required to offer immediate access to 'high-quality remote education' when pupils are unable to attend the school site [Schools Week]. Use our resources to help you deliver remote learning

DfE plans £25 million CO2 monitors for schools. This is to help schools combat the spread of COVID-19 in classrooms by enabling teachers to identify where ventilation needs improvement [Tes (free sign-up required)]. Stay on top of the latest coronavirus updates

Almost 1 in 5 enrolled pupils haven't started their National Tutoring Programme tuition. Leaders say the backlog is due to COVID-19 disruption, despite claims from ministers that the programme was "on track" in June [Schools Week]. Read our cheat sheet if you're yet to get started. 

Teachers in England encouraged to tackle ‘incel’ movement in the classroom [The Guardian (free sign-up required)]  Staggered school starts 'inevitable' say heads [Tes] COVID-19: school attendance data

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