In the news: Your weekly round-up for 9 to 16 July 2021

Get up to speed with what’s happened in education this week.

Last reviewed on 15 July 2021
Ref: 43018
  1. Top stories
  2. This week's headlines
  3. Important dates for next week 

Top stories

Schools to snub summer 'catch-up' to put health first. Heads are prioritising wellbeing despite fears over lost learning, with only 18% offering voluntary catch-up provision over the summer holidays [The Guardian (free sign-up required)]. Brush up on how to develop your coronavirus catch-up spending strategy

DfE and Ofqual consulting on changes to GCSE, AS and A level exam arrangements for 2022. For most subjects, changes include providing advance information on the focus of the content of exams. For specific subjects, they cover a choice of topics, the provision of support materials and arrangements for practical activities [GOV.UK]. Have your say by 1 August 2021. 

DfE revises guidance on face coverings for pupils travelling to school. After step 4, the government will 'expect and recommend' that pupils wear them in enclosed and crowded spaces where they may come into contact with people they don't normally meet [Schools Week]. Find out how to update your risk assessment.

Longer school days 'is the right

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