Last reviewed on 22 February 2023
School types: All · School phases: All
Ref: 41983

You're only expected to consider offering remote learning if your school can't open safely, or if pupils are able to learn but are unable to physically attend school. Adapt our model policy to set out your expectations in these situations.

All pupils should attend school

You should only consider providing remote education to pupils in circumstances when in-person attendance is either not possible or contrary to government guidance.

This might include:

  • Occasions when you decide that opening your school is either:
    • Not possible to do safely
    • Contradictory to guidance from local or central government
  • Occasions when individual pupils, for a limited duration, are unable to physically attend school but are able to continue learning, for example because they have an infectious illness

This is set out in the DfE's guidance on providing remote education

Download our model policy

It's designed to help you set out your approach to remote learning for your staff members, so everyone's clear on what's expected.

Our policy is:

  • Designed for you to adapt to suit your school's context
  • In line with relevant requirements and good practice
  • Approved by Forbes Solicitors

You may want to use it alongside our home-school agreement, to make the expectations clear for pupils and parents as well. See more good practice when it comes to delivering remote learning.

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