Download our model policy
Use it to set guidelines and rules for the acceptable use of ICT and the internet in your school. Our policy has been approved by Forbes Solicitors and covers staff, governors, pupils and parents/carers. It also includes:
- Guidelines for school staff on using Facebook
- A parent/carer agreement on communicating with the school that covers the use of private email, chat or social media groups
- Acceptable use agreements for staff, younger pupils and older pupils
- Advice on how to protect your school from cyber attacks, including a glossary
We developed this policy with Karen Mitchell, 1 of our associate experts.
See examples of school policies
- St Thomas' Catholic Primary School, Kent – included in its online safety policy, pages 7 to 12
- Kings Worthy Primary School, Hampshire
- Woodbridge High School, Redbridge – ICT acceptable use policy (for pupils), digital technology handbook
- Colne Park High School, Lancashire – student ICT policy, eSafety policy
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