Computing policies (primary)

See examples of computing policies from a range of schools to inspire you when writing your own.

Last reviewed on 7 April 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 41680
  1. Examples from maintained schools
  2. Examples from academies

Examples from maintained schools

St Mary’s CofE Primary School in Bolton has a computing curriculum policy which sets out the school’s aims to develop pupils’: 

  • Computational thinking skills
  • Understanding of how to use computers appropriately 
  • Confidence in using digital technologies   

The Bellbird Primary School in Cambridgeshire has a computing policy that covers areas including: 

  • What pupils should know by the end of Key Stage (KS)1 and 2 
  • Resources to support its computing curriculum 
  • Computer security 

Examples from academies

Great Smeaton Academy in North Yorkshire uses its computing policy (under 'Curriculum') to set out actions to help the school meet its computing curriculum aims. These include:

  • Providing a range of computing resources 
  • Keeping equipment up to date 
  • Offering focussed computing experiences 

Aims for pupils How the school implements its computing curriculum  How the school promotes spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development through its computing curriculum The role of