Policies from primary schools
Voluntary aided (VA) school
St Peter's Brafferton Church of England VA Primary School in North Yorkshire combines its spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) policy with its British Values policy.
It covers the school’s commitments for each element of SMSC development, including:
- Celebrating the "religious and non-religious beliefs" of its pupils
- "Weaving global education themes" through its curriculum
The policy also explains that SMSC development is promoted in the wider life of the school.
Community school
Manuden Primary School in Essex uses its SMSC policy (you'll find it under 'Curriculum') to cover topics such as:
- School values
- How it implements SMSC teaching
- Links with the community
- The impact of SMSC development
To support monitoring and evaluation, the policy has a checklist for staff to use, including space to record evidence and next steps.
The importance of school values The use of class discussions Extra-curricular activities and links with the wider