Examples from primary schools
Voluntary aided school in County of Herefordshire
Pencombe CofE School has an equal opportunities policy with sections including:
- A statement of commitment
- Organisation of learning
- Resources and materials
- Monitoring and review
Community school in Luton
Norton Road Primary School publishes an equal opportunities policy that sets out:
- A guide to recognising racist incidents
- The value the school places on bilingualism and multiculturalism
- The school's commitment to celebrating diversity through assemblies, learning resources and the curriculum
Example from a secondary school
Academy in Sefton
Formby High School has an equal opportunities policy that covers:
- Race and ethnicity
- Gender and sex
- Disability
- Religion and belief
- Sexual orientation
- Age
Example from a special school
Community special school in Windsor and Maidenhead
Manor Green School has an equal opportunities policy which looks at, among other things:
- Support offered to pupils with specific protected characteristics
- Measures the schools takes to promote inclusion
- Equalities training for staff