Modern slavery act statement: guidance and examples (academy trusts)

Find out if your trust requires a modern slavery act statement and what it should include.

Last reviewed on 23 April 2024
Ref: 44508
Statutory/mandatory for:
Free schools
  1. What is a modern slavery act statement?
  2. Do we need one?
  3. What should it include?
  4. See examples of statements from trusts

What is a modern slavery act statement?

Under section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, some organisations are required to publish an annual statement setting out the steps they've taken to make sure modern slavery is not taking place in their business or supply chains.

The government also recommends making statements from previous years available online.

The government guidance includes detailed definitions of modern slavery (see annex A), but it essentially means subjecting anyone to servitude, forced or compulsory labour or human trafficking. 

Do we need one?

Academy trusts with an annual turnover of £36 million or more must publish a statement

Your turnover includes:

  • Income and funding from every school in your trust
  • All funding streams and grants

Consider publishing a statement even if you're not required to

It shows that your trust is