Manual handling policy: examples

See examples of manual handling policies from primary, secondary and special schools, as well as a local authority. Find guidance too on what to include in your policy from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Last reviewed on 30 April 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 41644
  1. Primary schools
  2. Secondary school
  3. Special schools
  4. Local authority example
  5. Include these key elements in your policy

Primary schools

St Andrew's Church of England (CE) Primary School in Preston has a manual handling policy on its website. It:

  • Distinguishes between load handling and people handling
  • Outlines the school's arrangements for training and risk assessments
  • States the responsibilities of management and employees

Carlisle & Hampton Hill Federation, comprised of an infant and a junior school in London, has a manual handling policy that covers:

  • Common manual handling activities in school
  • How to assess a task for safety, including questions to ask
  • Example control measures
  • Guidance on safe lifting

Secondary school

Wexham School in Berkshire has a manual handling section in its health and safety policy manual (see 'HS policy manual'). It outlines:

  • What the typical risks in school are
  • When manual handling assessments are to be carried out
  • How to reduce the risk of injury
  • Considerations for the moving and handling of people 

Riverside School in London has a manual handling policy (hover over the 'Safety' menu