Risk assessment policy: model and examples

Download our model risk assessment policy and see examples of school and trust policies on assessing risks to health and safety.

Last reviewed on 13 February 2024See updates
Ref: 41634
Statutory/mandatory for:
Free schools
Independent schools
  1. Download our model policy
  2. Use the HSE guide to risk assessment
  3. Examples from trusts

Download our model policy

Model policy: risk assessment (trusts) DOC, 260.0 KB

Adapt it to suit your trust's context. Our model:

  • Takes account of relevant statutory guidance and good practice 
  • Is approved by Forbes Solicitors
  • Includes a template risk assessment in the appendix

Academies are required to have a risk assessment policy under paragraph 16 of part 3 of the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014. It's up to you whether you set this policy centrally as a trust or at school level.

Use the HSE guide to risk assessment

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has published guidance on carrying out risk assessments.

It suggests 5 steps for conducting a suitable assessment:

  1. Identify the hazards
  2. Decide who might be harmed and how
  3. Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions
  4. Record your findings and implement them
  5. Review your assessment and update if necessary

Examples from trusts

Learning Academy Partnership, a trust