Complaints procedure: model and examples

Adapt our model complaints procedure to your school's context, and use our checklists to make sure you stay compliant.

Last reviewed on 27 June 2024See updates
Ref: 41689
Statutory/mandatory for:
Maintained schools
Independent schools
Pupil referral units
Non-maintained special schools
  1. Changes to our complaints policies
  2. Download our model procedure for maintained schools
  3. Download our model procedure for single academies (including free schools), independent schools and non-maintained schools
  4. More resources to help you deal with complaints
  5. Use our checklist to write and review your own procedures
  6. Maintained school examples
  7. Academy examples

Changes to our complaints policies

We've revised our model complaints policies to make the procedures clearer and easier to follow.

There have been no changes to statutory requirements or guidance, so if you're already using our old policy, you don't have to update it.

See a summary of changes below:

Single academies, free schools, independent and non-maintained special schools This template is now separate from the maintained schools version. Other