Last reviewed on 11 December 2023
Statutory/mandatory for: Maintained schools

Download our model instrument of government or use our checklist of statutory content to create or review your own. Take a look at some examples from schools for inspiration.

The instrument of government is statutory for maintained schools, as set out in the DfE’s guidance on the constitution of governing bodies of maintained schools.

Academies are not required to have an instrument of government.

Pupil referral unit (PRU) management committees also have instruments of government, but it's the local authority's (LA's) responsibility to create these documents. This is set out in part 2, regulation 5 of The Education (Pupil Referral Units) (Management Committees etc.) (England) Regulations 2007.

Download our model instrument of government

Our policy is:

  • Designed for you to adapt to suit your school's context
  • In line with relevant requirements and good practice
  • Approved by Forbes Solicitors

Download our checklist of statutory content to include

Use it to write or review your own instrument of government – it lists the statutory content you must include.

Walmley Junior School – a foundation junior school in Birmingham Brunswick Nursery School –