Mobile phone policy: model and examples

Adapt our model mobile phone policy to suit your school, or use our checklist to help you write your own. See examples of policies from other schools on the use of mobile phones by pupils, staff, parents/carers, visitors and volunteers.

Last reviewed on 19 March 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 41703
  1. Download our model policy
  2. Template policy summary for visitors
  3. Use our guidance to decide your school's approach to mobile phone use for pupils
  4. Examples of policies:

Download our model policy

The DfE's non-statutory guidance on the use of mobile phones in schools and behaviour in schools say that schools should develop, implement and publish a policy that bans the use of mobile phones or similar devices in school. 

Early years providers must cover the use of mobile phones and cameras in their safeguarding policies. For other settings, the mobile phone policy can be a standalone document, or can be included in the school's behaviour policy.

Use our model for a standalone mobile phone policy to save you time and help you set clear expectations for everyone in your school community. 

Approved by Forbes Solicitors, the policy meets the requirements laid out in the guidance and covers pupils, staff, parents/carers, visitors and volunteers. 

It includes:
