Whistle-blowing policy: model and examples

Be clear about the requirements for a whistle-blowing policy in your school or trust, and get guidance on what to include. Download and adapt our model policy to fit your context, and see examples of policies from other schools.

Last reviewed on 25 July 2023
Ref: 41687
Statutory/mandatory for:
Free schools
  1. SATs: download and adapt our model policy
  2. Academies must have whistle-blowing procedures
  3. Maintained schools: you should have procedures, but base them on your LA's
  4. See examples of whistle-blowing policies

SATs: download and adapt our model policy

It's been written with single academy trusts in mind.

For multi-academy trusts (MATs), go to the 'Trust leaders' tab above, if you're a:

  • MAT leader, to download our trust-wide model policy
  • School leader in a MAT, to see what your trust's policy might look like (as it should be set centrally)

If you're a maintained school leader, you should also have whistle-blowing procedures (as we explain below). Refer to your local authority (LA)'s procedures in the first instance, but you might still find our policy a useful reference.

Model policy: whistle-blowing (SATs) DOC, 245.5 KB

This model policy has been approved by Forbes Solicitors, to take account of relevant requirements and good practice, and to help you stay compliant. 

There's no statutory requirement for how often you need to review this policy, so it's up to you to decide.

Your trust must have whistle-blowing procedures to protect staff who report individuals