Home visits policy: model and examples

Download and adapt our model policy for home visits. Use it to set clear procedures for staff conducting visits, and find a sample home visit form and risk assessment. Also see examples of policies from other schools.

Last reviewed on 30 July 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 49620
  1. Download our model policy
  2. Find out more about home visits
  3. Examples of policies from other schools

Download our model policy

Model policy: home visits DOCX, 843.5 KB

This policy is designed for you to adapt to suit your school's context. It has been approved by Forbes Solicitors.

It's not a requirement to have a home visits policy. However, it's helpful to have one to make sure your procedures are clear for staff, and for any parents or carers who have questions about a home visit. 

Find out more about home visits

Understand what best practice looks like when planning a home visit, so you can make sure staff are carrying out visits safely.

Read more about different types of home visit:

Examples of policies from other schools

Primary schools

St Peter's School, Cambridgeshire (see 'home visit policy and procedure' on the bottom left-hand