Self-harm: policies and guidance

Self-harm is a sensitive issue, and it can be difficult to know how to support pupils at risk of self-injury. Find policies from schools, template risk assessments, and flow charts outlining the process for dealing with incidents.

Last reviewed on 9 June 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 33200
  1. See example policies from schools
  2. Example flowchart on managing incidents
  3. Collaborate with external agencies and parents
  4. Complete a risk assessment
  5. Raise awareness of the signs of self-harm 

See example policies from schools



Example flowchart on managing incidents

Download this resource on self-harm published by the Charlie Waller Trust, a mental health charity. There's a flowchart on page 14 outlining what to do if school staff become aware of an incident of self-harm.

Collaborate with external agencies and parents

There are no generic procedures you must adopt when dealing with pupils who are at risk of self-harm, as each case is unique. However, where possible, you should: 

By doing this you'll be able to implement