School key holder policies

See examples of school key holder policies from a primary school, a secondary school and a pupil referral unit, to get inspiration for your own.

Last reviewed on 19 July 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 41623
  1. You might not need a separate policy
  2. See policies from schools

You might not need a separate policy

Many schools include key holder information in their security policy instead of creating a separate document. Get more guidance on your responsibilities for site security and see security policy examples in this article.

See policies from schools

Primary academy in Suffolk

Laureate Community Academy has a key holder policy that covers:

  • Members of staff who are permanent key holders
  • Procedures for issuing and returning keys
  • Emergency call out procedure

It also has a template key holders register and a key holders agreement (see appendices A and B).

Community secondary school in Bracknell Forest

For instance, the site manager has 'corporate responsibility for security' and is responsible for alarm callouts and security