Last reviewed on 7 February 2022
School types: All · School phases: All
Ref: 43999

Find out how to develop your selection criteria for your redundancy policy. Plus see example policies from schools.

This article is based on guidance from Acas on redundancies and advice by the HR and People team at One Education.

Choose your selection criteria and evidence

Your criteria should be as 'objective' and 'measurable' as possible. This means they should be:

  • Fair
  • Based on facts that can be measured
  • Not affected by personal opinions

Consider the methods you'll use and the evidence you'll rely on to select staff for redundancy. For example, you could use: 

  • Performance: you'll need accurate records, e.g. of progress in performance management reviews
  • Skills and qualifications: you could have a list of relevant skills and qualifications, e.g. specialist skills or attendance at a relevant training course
  • Relevant experience, e.g. experience of leading a team or running training sessions
  • Attendance and disciplinary record

If you're assessing performance, avoid using lesson observations as evidence, as these could be easily challenged in terms of whether:

If you do