Staff code of conduct: model and examples

Download and adapt our model staff code of conduct, developed with NAHT and approved by a law firm. See examples of codes of conduct from primary, secondary and special schools, and from trusts.

on 8 January 2025
See updates
Ref: 41561
Statutory/mandatory for:
Maintained schools
Free schools
Independent schools
Sixth-form colleges
Pupil referral units
Non-maintained special schools
  1. Download our model code of conduct
  2. All schools need to have a staff code of conduct
  3. Examples of policies from schools 

Download our model code of conduct

This model is designed for you to adapt to suit your school’s context.

We developed it alongside NAHT, and it has been approved by Forbes Solicitors and reviewed by FusionHR. The Key is a minority investor in FusionHR.

Model staff code of conduct (schools) DOCX, 769.1 KB

Note: we recommend that you consult with the unions represented at your school before implementing a new policy that refers to the employment of staff.

Use our list of changes to help you update your code of conduct  We've updated our model staff code of conduct in line with the new legal requirements to protect staff from sexual harassment. Here's a summary of what's changed: Section 5: sexual harassment. Added new section which covers: A definition of sexual harassment, as well as examples of the behaviour The procedure staff should