Staff code of conduct: model and examples

Download and adapt our model staff code of conduct, developed with NAHT and approved by a law firm. See examples of codes of conduct from primary, secondary and special schools, and across academy trusts.

Last reviewed on 21 June 2024See updates
Ref: 41561
Statutory/mandatory for:
Maintained schools
Free schools
Independent schools
Sixth-form colleges
Pupil referral units
Non-maintained special schools
  1. Download our model code of conduct
  2. Examples

Download our model code of conduct

Developed with NAHT and approved by Forbes Solicitors, this model document is designed for you to adapt to suit your trust's context. 

Model policy: staff code of conduct (trusts) DOC, 183.5 KB

Note: we recommend that you consult with the unions represented at your trust before implementing a new policy that refers to the employment of staff.

This policy is in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024. There were no safeguarding changes required from the 2024 KCSIE update. 

Presenting your policy

You need to have procedures that address staff conduct, discipline and grievance to meet your statutory obligations but nothing dictates how you should present them. Some trusts choose to have 1 or 2 documents setting out these procedures, and others have separate documents for each.

The DfE recommends that your trust board reviews these