Staff sickness and absence policy: model and examples

Download and adapt our model sickness and absence policy for your school's or trust's context. See example policies from other schools to get inspiration for your own.

Last reviewed on 18 April 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 41531
  1. Download our model policy 
  2. Take steps to keep your school or trust healthy
  3. Examples

Download our model policy 

This model document is designed for you to adapt to suit your school/trust's context. Our policy:

  • Has been approved by Forbes Solicitors and the NAHT union for school leaders
  • Is based on relevant requirements and good practice

Our policy includes a:

  • Return-to-work interview form and action plan
  • Timetable for a phased return to work

We recommend you consult with the unions represented at your school before implementing any new policy that refers to expectations of staff.

Model policy: sickness and absence DOC, 390.0 KB

If you're a multi academy trust (MAT): Adapt our model policy to your trust’s needs, context and