Non-examination assessment policy: model and guidance

Save time by adapting our model non-examination assessment policy. Understand what you're required to include and find a school example to help you with writing your own policy.

Last reviewed on 17 January 2024See updates
Ref: 41615
Statutory/mandatory for:
Maintained schools
Free schools
Independent schools
Sixth-form colleges
Further education
Pupil referral units
Non-maintained special schools
  1. Download our model policy
  2. What your policy must cover
  3. See school examples

Download our model policy

Model policy: non-examination assessment DOC, 256.5 KB

Our model, approved by Forbes Solicitors, is designed for you to adapt to suit your school's context.

It takes into account relevant requirements and good practice, and draws on the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) guidance on: 

The model policy isn't intended to replace the JCQ guidance, to which you should always refer to make sure you meet requirements.

For more model policies and complete policy support from The Key, go to our Policy Expert.

What your policy must cover

Cover procedures for planning and managing all non-examination assessments Define staff roles and responsibilities with respect to non-examination assessments Manage risks associated with non-examination assessments Refer to the JCQ guidance on AI use in assessments, linked