Suspension or permanent exclusion hearings: procedures

Certain exclusions require a panel to consider the headteacher's decision. Get an overview of the requirements and what role you play in the process.

Last reviewed on 26 June 2023See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 11604
  1. Understand the requirements for a hearing
  2. Know who can attend
  3. Hearings can now be held remotely
  4. The process of the hearing
  5. What to do if a suspension or permanent exclusion is overturned
  6. Parents/carers may request an independent review panel 

This article is based on the DfE's guidance on suspensions and permanent exclusions, effective from 1 September 2023 (read our summary of what's changed from the previous guidance). It applies to maintained schools, academies, alternative provision academies and pupil referral units.

Suspensions and exclusions arising before 1 September 2023

Note: if the pupil is 18 or older, then any actions that involve parents/carers throughout the hearing should involve the pupil instead. 

The governing board has a duty to consider your decision as the headteacher to suspend or permanently exclude a pupil, in certain