Recording conversations with staff

Data protection legislation doesn't apply to parents/carers and pupils recording meetings or conversations for their own personal use. Find out how you can respond to any recordings made of your staff.

Last reviewed on 28 June 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 10823
  1. Individuals can make recordings of meetings for their personal, domestic use
  2. Data protection law applies if a recording is shared
  3. Communicate your school's expectations 

Individuals can make recordings of meetings for their personal, domestic use

If you find that a parent/carer or pupil has recorded a conversation for their personal use:

  • Discuss why they felt the need to record the conversation and find out what it will be used for
  • Use the discussion to try to resolve any issues to avoid the incident occurring again
  • Use the discussion as an opportunity to reinforce the school's expectations

Data protection law applies