Pupil voice questions: teaching and learning

Use our question banks to help you talk to your pupils about their learning in class or in focus groups, and find guidance on including pupils with SEN.

Last reviewed on 17 December 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 3182
  1. Use our question banks when talking to pupils 
  2. Survey your pupils for more insight
  3. How to adapt your approach for SEN pupils

Use our question banks when talking to pupils 

Use these questions when talking to pupils individually, or in focus groups, to help you assess pupils' understanding of their learning. 

EYFS and primary

KeyDoc: pupil voice question bank (EYFS and primary) DOCX, 125.9 KB


KeyDoc: pupil voice question bank (secondary) DOCX, 126.0 KB

Survey your pupils for more insight

Download our survey pack and get advice on how to conduct an effective survey to find out what your pupils think about your school.

How to adapt your approach for SEN pupils

While pupils with SEN experience different parts of school life, they are still part of your whole student body. When pupils with SEN are left out of pupil voice