Personal education plans (PEPs) for looked-after children

All looked-after children (LAC) should have a personal education plan (PEP). Find out who is responsible for creating and managing PEPs, and what a plan should contain.

Last reviewed on 8 June 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 11507
  1. What is a PEP?
  2. PEPs are initiated by the child’s social worker
  3. There’s no standard format for PEPs
  4. What needs to be in a PEP?
  5. PEPs should be reviewed termly
  6. Maintaining PEPs for pupils post-16

What is a PEP?

A personal education plan (PEP) is an ‘evolving record of what needs to happen for looked-after children (LAC) to enable them to make at least expected progress and fulfil their potential’. 

This definition comes from paragraph 20 of the DfE’s guidance on promoting the education of looked-after and previously looked-after children.

All LAC from pre-school to age 18 should have a PEP in place, and this should make up part of the larger care plan that all LAC must have.

PEPs are initiated by the child’s social worker

Once the PEP has been initiated, your school's designated teacher for LAC will work with the social worker and the VSH on the development and use of the PEP, the use of pupil premium plus funding, and on monitoring the