Developing student leadership: examples (secondary)

Find out how other secondary schools are developing student leadership, to inspire your approach. See examples of different student leadership roles, a leadership diploma and the student leadership programme from a special school.

Last reviewed on 22 April 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 4779
  1. Set up different leadership roles in school
  2. Provide specific opportunities per year group
  3. See a special school example
  4. Develop pupil voice in your school

Set up different leadership roles in school

Haggerston School in Hackney

Haggerston School in Hackney offers a number of leadership roles for students. The roles are publicised in assemblies and tutor time, and students can apply for different roles at the end of the summer term. Here are some examples:

Sixth-form future leaders: this provides opportunities for students to expand their skillsets in preparation for life beyond school. For example, sixth formers:

  • Mentor year 7 students on a 1-to-1 basis and support them with transition into the school
  • Act as role models for younger students, helping them go through key moments in their school life and supporting them with academic work

They meet regularly with the headteacher, make themselves available to all students to better understand what's happening 'on the playground', and take