SEN review meetings with parents/carers: guidance and template

Be clear on the requirements and get guidance on how to run special educational needs (SEN) review meetings, including what to cover, who to invite and next steps. Download our record template so you can keep track of key points in the meeting.

Last reviewed on 7 November 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 11751
  1. Meet with parents and carers at least 3 times a year
  2. Preparing for the meeting
  3. Holding the meeting
  4. Next steps after the meeting

Meet with parents and carers at least 3 times a year

As a minimum, you must provide parents and carers with an annual report on their child's progress.

However, where a pupil is receiving SEN support, the DfE recommends you meet parents and carers at least termly, and that you provide them with regular reports on their child’s progress.

You should work with parents and carers to:

  • Set clear outcomes
  • Review the pupil's progress towards the outcomes
  • Discuss activities and support that will help the pupil to achieve the outcomes
  • Identify the responsibilities of the school, the parents/carers and the pupil

The discussion should be led by a teacher with good knowledge and understanding of the pupil, supported by the SENCO.

This is set out on page 104 of the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice

This is so that they're aligned with the