Ofsted will inspect your school against 4 key judgements:
- Quality of education
- Behaviour and attitudes
- Personal development
- Leadership and management
Quality of education
Your curriculum is at the heart of the 'quality of education' judgement, and Ofsted splits this into these 3 concepts:
- Intent: your curriculum plan, including its design, structure and sequence
- Implementation: how you teach and assess your intended curriculum
- Impact: the outcomes for your pupils as a result of the education they've received
Inspectors won't judge them as 3 separate measures – they'll consider them all as part of your ‘quality of education’ judgement.
Intent: what are you trying to achieve with your curriculum? Your curriculum intent is what you want your pupils to know and be able to do – both at different stages of their education (for instance, spring term of year 4), and by the time they leave your school. Use these prompts when