We spoke to representatives at Ofsted and interviewed recently-inspected school leaders to answer these questions.
How does Ofsted decide which deep dives to do?
Through looking at a combination of all the information it has about your school, including:
- Your national performance data (such as Key Stage (KS) 2 SATs)
- Information in the inspection data summary report (IDSR)
- Curriculum information on your website
- Relevant comments in your last inspection report
Inspectors will want to see a wide range of subjects, and will go for both your strong subjects and those that are still developing.
They'll also use the initial phone call with the headteacher (or other senior leader) to help them decide which deep dives to do.
This means you might be able to influence which deep dives take place!
Always have a reading deep dive Always have a deep dive in 1 or more foundation subjects Often have a maths deep