How to get headteachers to work together to support each other

We spoke to Russell Boulton, CEO of Enrich Learning Trust, to find out the 3 key ingredients to getting school principals/headteachers to collaborate and work together. Find out how you can equip your heads to do the same in your trust.

Last reviewed on 23 February 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 44192
  1. Have values that encourage collaboration and get buy in from the start
  2. Treat everyone as equals  
  3. Create the space for collaboration to happen

Have values that encourage collaboration and get buy in from the start

Revisit your values

Make sure they encourage collaboration. It seems obvious, but if you want to embed collaboration throughout your trust make sure your values point in that right direction. 

Russell explains that the trust bases its values on the Nolan Principles of Public Life and uses these to encourage collaboration. For example, upholding:

  • Openness and honesty to get principals talking about their weaknesses and school-specific challenges. The idea is that other principals can step in and offer help
  • Accountability and measuring all senior leaders up to the same standards - to create a flat structure across the trust where all schools are treated as equals

Be upfront with your schools

For example, the trust