What is a skills database?
Also known as a competency database, it's collated information about the skills, qualifications and experiences that staff across your trust have.
You can use it to:
- Identify in-house experts across your trust
- Spot skill gaps and areas for improvement that aren't being met by anyone across your trust
A skills database will help you match development needs to in-house experts across the trust and help you develop training across schools. This will:
- Save money by cutting down on external training
- Help you foster school-to-school collaboration and a whole-trust culture
What should we include in our database?
Area: For example: Subject knowledge Experienced teachers Teachers with specialisms within a subject Subject experts who could support generalists (for example, non-specialists teaching maths Skills Skills based on the Teaching Standards Knowledge of a specific IT system or platform CPD Training, courses and qualifications Experience delivering CPD Specific experience Experience supporting pupils with special educational